Thursday, February 2, 2012

RIP Leslie Carter

I have a confession, I'm a recovering Backstreet Boys fan. In my old bedroom two of my walls were plastered with pictures of the group while the other two were covered with posters of Nick Carter alone. My first concert was the Backstreet Boys in Kansas City in August 2001. I happily screamed at the top of my lungs the entire night. As I grew older, my devotion faded, though any song from their first three albums still brings a huge smile to my face. I think the final blow in my imagined relationship with Nick Carter came when he decided to date the thing that is referred to as Paris Hilton. But love like that does not fade completely and he will always have a little piece of my heart.

That is why, today, I was saddened to see Leslie Carter's death pop up on IMDb. In case you don't know, Leslie is Nick's little sister, who was only a couple of months older than me. I was such a fan of the Carters, back in the day, that I even purchased the "Like, Wow!" CD single. It may have had an awful title, but hey, it was catchy enough to land on the Shrek soundtrack.

That's right,  they actually sold CDs with one song on them
before iTunes.

She never came out with an entire CD, just that song. I regret to admit that that is all I knew of her until today. Apparently she went on to marry and she even had a baby daughter, which makes this situation even sadder. No one should have to go at 25 and no baby should have to be motherless. I am thinking of her family today, as I know they have a very difficult week awaiting them. 

I hope the prescription-drug rumors I've read are untrue.

Because of this tragedy, I found out that the show House of Carters happened in 2006. Though I generally despise reality TV, I think I should go ahead and find all eight episodes of this and watch them as a tribute.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello Internetters! By the constant protest of my boyfriend, I have decided to compile all of my many pop culture rants into a blog. This is partly so all of you can enjoy my fantastic opinions and partly so he no longer has to listen to them. I will start by telling you that I am in love with David Tennant and I despise Ryan Murphy. I also have a fairly unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter; so much so that I have an entire room devoted to him and his adventures.

David Tennant, get out of this movie!
Harry Potter simply can't handle any more awesomeness!

I would say more, but I'm sure you will find out more than you want to about what I think in the coming months. I will warn you that all of my rants might not be timely. I have a very active Netflix account and I watch many shows that have either long-ended, or else I'm just behind on them. So skip the ones that don't apply to you and enjoy the ones that do. However, if something current does pique my interest, this blog will be the first to know.

Back to my Smallville marathon!