Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello Internetters! By the constant protest of my boyfriend, I have decided to compile all of my many pop culture rants into a blog. This is partly so all of you can enjoy my fantastic opinions and partly so he no longer has to listen to them. I will start by telling you that I am in love with David Tennant and I despise Ryan Murphy. I also have a fairly unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter; so much so that I have an entire room devoted to him and his adventures.

David Tennant, get out of this movie!
Harry Potter simply can't handle any more awesomeness!

I would say more, but I'm sure you will find out more than you want to about what I think in the coming months. I will warn you that all of my rants might not be timely. I have a very active Netflix account and I watch many shows that have either long-ended, or else I'm just behind on them. So skip the ones that don't apply to you and enjoy the ones that do. However, if something current does pique my interest, this blog will be the first to know.

Back to my Smallville marathon!

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